Commands Help : quotacheck

  •  scan a filesystem for disk usage, create, check and repair quota files

-bForces quotacheck to make backups of the quota file before writing the new data
-vquotacheck reports its operation as it progresses
-dEnable debugging mode
-uOnly user quotas listed in /etc/mtab or on the filesystems specified are to be checked
-gOnly group quotas listed in /etc/mtab or on the filesystems specified are to be checked
-cDon’t read existing quota files. Just perform a new scan and save it to disk
-fForces checking and writing of new quota files on filesystems with quotas enabled
-aCheck all mounted non-NFS filesystems in /etc/mtab
-mDon’t try to remount filesystem read-only. See comment with option -M
-MThis flag forces checking of filesystem in read-write mode if a remount fails
-RWhen used together with the -a option, all filesystems except for the root filesystem are checked for quotas
