Commands Help : find

  •   Search for files in a directory hierarchy

-name PATTERNSearch from file name with the PATTERN
# find ./ -name file.txt
-perm PATTERNSearch from permissions with the PATTERN
# find ./ -perm -o+x
-size SIZESearch from file-size with the SIZE
# find ./ -size 1140c
-type TYPESearch from file-type with the TYPE
# find ./ -type d
-user USERSearch from owner with the USER
# find ./ -user root
-group GROUPSearch from group with the GROUP
# find ./ -group root
-exec COMMAND {} \;Execute command when matching
# find ./ -size 1140c -exec cat {} \;
-printlist search-result
-fprint FILEprint the full file name into file file
-lslist current file in ‘ls -dils’ format on standard output
-nouserNo user corresponds to file’s numeric user ID
-nogroupNo group corresponds to file’s numeric group ID
-andSearch with "AND"
-orSearch with "OR"
-atime NFile was last accessed N*24 hours ago
-mtime NFile’s data was last modified N*24 hours ago
-ctime NFile’s status was last changed N*24 hours ago
-newer FILEFile was modified more recently than file
-links NFile has N links


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