LINUX Splits the permission settings into 3 groups

  • Owner - The user who owns the file
  • Group - Set of users
  • World - Not owner and not part of Group
Following permission can be granted:
  • Read
  • Write
  • Execute
You can use chmod command to set the permissions for each group (Owner/User/World) by applying desired (Read/Write/Execute) tags to each one of them. The digits which are used to set the permissions are actually the decimal representation of the binary (0/1) flags which set per group. For example, you want to set permissions which will allow the following:
  • Owner - read, write and execute
  • Group - read and execute (but not write)
  • World - no permissions
So in that case for Owner we will have: read=1, write=1 and execute=1 resulting in permission:
111 -> 7
The Group will have: read=1, write=0 and execute=1 resulting in permission:
101 -> 5
And finally the World will have: read=0, write=0 and execute=0 resulting in permission:
000 -> 0
Additionally, you can set a what is called the sticky bit to a directory. It will prevent other users from deleting or renaming the files within that directory. Only the owner can delete or rename the files within that directory. So in your case, the correct chmod command will look like this:
chmod 1777 temp
Where 777 allows read/write/execute for all three groups and the additional 1 is the sticky bit.
